The work plan of MOSAIC is based on 10 work packages and spans a period of 4 years. Four work packages (WP1, WP8, WP9, WP10) are dedicated to project management, risk management, communication, dissemination and exploitation, and ethics requirements. Six work packages cover the development of the various technologies related to the MOSAIC concept, technical integration and overall plant simulation and validation. A brief outline of the work packages is as follows:
WP1 Project Management and coordinationThe main objective of this WP is to monitor the progress of the MOSAIC project, by ensuring:
The fulfilment of the scientific and technical objectives described in the contract and an efficient consumption of the resources available.
A smooth communication flow between the partners and with the European Commission; and the coordination with the External Advisory Board.
Compliance with the legal requirements of the Grant Agreement and the Consortium Agreement, updating the documents if/when necessary.WP2 Conceptual design of the MOSAIC global systemThe main objective of this work package is to define an innovative CSP plant that will achieve lower LCOE than current solutions. For this purpose, the design of the proposed low cost and highly efficient modular plant will be done at module and plant level.WP3 Development of the MOSAIC module Solar FieldThe main objective of this work package is to provide a cost competitive, energy efficient and reliable solar field which assures a high solar concentration and a predefined flux distribution on the receiver.WP4 Development of the MOSAIC module Tracking SystemThe objective of this WP is to develop a new actuation concept for the tracking of the MOSAIC receiver that could assure the required positioning accuracy at the lowest cost.WP5 Development of the MOSAIC module receiver and HTF loopThe main objective of this WP is to develop a receiver system (for solar energy capture and transfer) for the new innovative concept of the proposed CSP modular plant.WP6 System integration and set-upThe main objective of this WP is to make available for the MOSAIC Project a fully working prototype of the MOSAIC module in a relevant environment that will make possible the assessment of the feasibility of the proposed solution.WP7 Testing and validation in the relevant environmentThe objectives of this work package are to define the test campaign and instrumentation, execute the test campaign, provide a performance evaluation of the subsystems and entire system, and assess the validity of the concept.WP8 Risk ManagementThis work package is devoted to the risk detection and mitigation. A detailed risk analysis will be performed in the following WP covering not only the technical specifications but also the goals of the project in terms of final performance and cost in order to assess in the most precise way the risks related to the different parts of the project and how these risks may affect other tasks progress.WP9 Exploitation, communication and dissemination of resultsThis work package aims at giving to all participants a clear view of the market potential of the MOSAIC concept and of all specific developments made in the project as well as to define a communication and dissemination strategy to be carried out throughout the project duration with a view to ensure that the project results can benefit a higher number of interested stakeholders in Europe and the society in general.WP10 Ethics requirementsThe objective is to ensure compliance with the ‘ethics requirements’ set out in this work package.