MOSAIC is a collaborative research project. This cooperation aims also to produce though research and development, scientific publications in scientific journals as well as presentation at conferences around the world.
Partners agree to generate peer-reviewed articles resulting from projects to an institutional or subject-based repository, and to make their best efforts to ensure open access to these articles at the latest on publication or within six months after publication.

Information on Scientific papers and conferences will be updated in this section.
Next Generation of Concentrated Solar Power Technologies workshop at the SustainablePlaces2019, Proceedings 2019, 20(1), 7
Low-Cost Solar Electricity Using Stationary Solar Fields; Technology Potential and Practical Implementation Challenges to Be Overcome. Outcomes from H2020 MOSAIC Project, Energies 2020, 13, 1816
MOSAIC, a new CSP plant concept for the highest concentration ratios at the lowest cost, AIP Conf. Proc. 2019, 2126, 060008.
Theoretical accuracy assessment of model-based photogrammetric approach for pose estimation of cylindrical elements, Meas. Sci. Technol. 30 055003
Design methodology for a prototype helical receiver adopted in the MOSAIC solar bowl system, Solar Energy, Volume 208, 2020, Pages 905-916
Toolbox created for Solar Paces 2020: Novel tracking system for large spherical concentrators