MOSAIC concept presented at SolarPaces2018

The community of Auroville in India hosted Cristobal Villasante (MOSAIC Coordinator) and Iñigo Pagola (researcher) in order to study in detail system operation based on fixed spherical concentrators as the MOSAIC concept is. The system in India has been operating in a daily basis for 18 years providing steam at 150ºC for cooking menus for 1000 people every day. The system used Terminol 66 as HTF during the first years but for the last 10 years they have been producing saturated steam at 2 bars directly at the receiver. The operation of the system along a day can be seen in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixy719TNRcY.
MOSAIC Consortium wants to thank the Auroville community for sharing their knowledge.
On 26th June 2018, the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) hosted the second H2020 Coordinators’ Day Workshop on Concentrated Solar Power. The aim of the workshop is to investigate potential synergies between projects in the area of Concentrated Solar Power with ongoing RIA, IA and CSA projects. MOSAIC project development has been presented to the audience and MOSAIC representatives participated in the group discussions to identify potential synergies and overlaps.
The third issue of the “H2020 Projects Bulletin on Concentrated Solar Power” newsletter has been published.
The joint Newsletter was launched in May 2017 by a joint initiative of the consortia of the EU projects CAPTure, MinWaterCSP, MOSAIC and WASCOP.
The issue includes updates from the involved European projects, a news about the launch of the SOLWATT project and an analysis of the CSP European environment in AMIPLEXUS.
Find out more about the projects, news and events here.
A review meeting about MOSAIC has been held on 11th April 2018 in Brussels hosted by AMIRES and TEKNIKER at the CZELO (Czech Republic Liason Office for R&I projects). The project has been reviewed in his technical, dissemination and management progress by INEA and European Commission representatives supported by an external reviewer. A specific exploitation session named Innovation Radar Pilot action has been dedicated to MOSAIC to identify potential exploitation routes for the project.
An important International Conference organised by the MinWaterCSP sister project will be taken place in Marrakech, Morocco from 24th to 25th April 2018. The topic of this event will be Reduction of water consumption in Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants with a special focus on new approaches in mirror cleaning, cooling system solutions and overall plant performance simulations. The aim of the conference is to present and discuss new technological solutions to minimize water consumption in CSP plants as well as to create networking opportunities. The event is targeted at stakeholders from Power utilities, Power plant operators, Technology suppliers, Research institutes and Academia that are working in the fields of concentrated solar power. Further stakeholders for mirror cleaning, cooling processes or similar, any users of those technologies, policy makers and investors interested in the topics are will participate to the event. Places are still available. More Information and Registration Forms are available on the links below: