MOSAIC External Advisory Board and M24 meeting have been held in Prague at the Technology Center on 6th, 7th and 8th of November 2018. The first day was dedicated to the EAB meeting with the EAB Members, Mr. Juan Ignacio Burgaleta (Independent consultant, ex SENER), Marcel Bial (ESTELA), Jesús Fernández (PSA-CIEMAT), Gilles Guigan (Auroville). EAB members had the chance to be updated on the project status and they provided excellent recommendations in person and through a specific questionnaire. The second day was dedicated to the technical WPs parallel sessions and the presentation to their solutions. The third day was dedicated to the prototype implementation, administrative, dissemination and exploitation activities. The next project meeting will be hosted by Aalborg CSP in Denmark at the beginning of April 2019.
Study visit to Auroville community in India
The community of Auroville in India hosted Cristobal Villasante (MOSAIC Coordinator) and Iñigo Pagola (researcher) in order to study in detail system operation based on fixed spherical concentrators as the MOSAIC concept is. The system in India has been operating in a daily basis for 18 years providing steam at 150ºC for cooking menus for 1000 people every day. The system used Terminol 66 as HTF during the first years but for the last 10 years they have been producing saturated steam at 2 bars directly at the receiver. The operation of the system along a day can be seen in this video
MOSAIC Consortium wants to thank the Auroville community for sharing their knowledge.